

The year that ETH Zurich predicts only 2 glaciers left in Switzerland.



Percentage of built in additional glacier loss if we go to Carbon zero now.



The year science initially predicted that glaciers world melt in Glacier National Park USA.



Percentage glacial loss in the Swiss Alps since 1850.

Global Glacier Initiative Inc is a Wyoming, USA non-profit corporation with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status as a public charity.

The mission of the Initiative is to photograph as many
non-polar glaciers as possible “before they are gone” using
small aircraft.

The purpose of the aerial perspective is to convey an artistically engaging human interest element to these shared and disappearing treasures. The Initiative is operated by its Founder, Garrett Fisher, who has been privately chasing glaciers in a small airplane since 2015.

The Global Glacier Initiative, in furtherance of the application of collected images, intends to develop programs to support climate outreach and education, with the purpose of making these disappearing glaciers understandable to those who cannot visit them in person.


Author: Garrett Fisher

Swiss Alps 2024

When the Global Glacier Initiative was founded, the idea was to spend e

Author: Garrett Fisher

Norway & Sweden 2024

The original intention for 2024 was Iceland, however a slew of project

Author: Garrett Fisher


First snows in the Arctic and foul weather forced me and the plane out

Author: Garrett Fisher

Northern Norway & Sweden

As is the case with most complex endeavors, time continues to reveal ho

Where the glacier meets the sky, the land ceases to be earthly, and the earth becomes one with the heavens; no sorrows live there anymore, and therefore joy is not necessary; beauty alone reigns there, beyond all demands.


Just to lie here in the sun with great white peaks all around me and the biggest glacier in Europe at my feet, to eat from time to time, to sleep a little and dream a great deal- it is a heavenly existence.


Our Gallery

Select images showing the majesty of glaciers with the profundity of their recession.